viernes, 12 de abril de 2013


Ben 22 25 of the Marines who killed Osama Bin Laden in a raid in Pakistan are mysterious deaths. Just coincidence? Impossible not to connect this with the mysteries that still surround the figure of the "Sheikh of terror."    
April 1st.

When the '11 September 2001 two airliners crashed into the Twin Towers and forever changed the course of history, the wasted complottismi about the attack and the figure of their creator, that' Osama Bin Laden leader of Al Qaeda in many remembered being a faithful friend of the Bush family. At a distance of 12 years in the name of the war on terror the U.S. and NATO invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, and without interference in the Arab world, increasing Western presence in these countries, see Pakistan where drone war tens of sowing deaths each year.

In May 2011 but Osama Bin Laden, at least that we were told, was killed during a raid near Islamabad, Pakistan, by a group of Navy Seal consists 25 unit. The soldiers entered the bunker man most feared and sought after in the world and killed him, though no one has ever been able to see even a proof of his death. In a mysterious way Obama did not want circulated images of the corpse of Bin Laden, the man against whom unleashed the largest global war on terror last century. After almost two years, the 25 marines responsible for the blitz, there are only two left alive. . Following the accident helicopter that killed 22, in August of the same year, in fact, another marine was killed during a training exercise. 

It was Brett D.Shadle, 31enne who was practicing in rolls at low altitude and crashed with his parachute in the Arizona desert. As if that was not enough Matt Bissonnette, one of the marines left alive who took part in the raid, has written a book "No Easy Day", published under the pseudonym of Mark Owen then this book has become the basis of the filmZero dark thirty.Bissonette was threatened with death, and did not request permission to distribute news to his superiors, wasdishonorably discharged.What lies behind the actual death of Bin Laden? And above all, the deaths of 22 marines are just a mere coincidence?

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