jueves, 8 de marzo de 2012


Amnesty International Ireland - 25 October 2011

The Syrian government has turned hospitals into instruments of repression in its efforts to crush opposition, Amnesty International said today in a new report.

The 39-page report Health Crisis: Syrian Government Targets the Wounded and Health Workers reveals how wounded patients in at least four government-run hospitals have been subjected to torture and other ill-treatment, including by medical workers.

Colm O’Gorman, executive director of Amnesty International Ireland, said: "The Syrian authorities seem to have let their security forces loose in many hospitals. Medical staff also appear to have taken part in the torture and ill treatment of the very people they are supposed to care for.

"Given the scale and seriousness of the injuries being sustained by people across the country, it is disturbing to find that many are scared to go to hospital for fear of falling into the hands of the security forces."

Assaults by medical staff

Amnesty International found that patients have been assaulted by medical staff, health workers and security personnel in at least the National Hospitals in Banias, Homs and Tell Kalakh and the military hospital in Homs.

‘Ahmed’ was delivered unconscious to the National Hospital in Tell Kalakh on 22 August after being beaten by security forces. A witness saw him in the emergency room:

"There were around seven or eight security men, some carrying rifles, and nurses wearing white robes crowded around him. He opened his eyes and said: 'Where am I?' They all suddenly jumped on him and started beating him and hitting him."

Patients have also been removed from hospitals. On 7 September, security forces looking for an alleged armed field commander opposed to the government raided al-Birr wa al-Khadamat Hospital in Homs. When they did not find him, they arrested 18 wounded people.

A health worker present during the raid told Amnesty International he saw at least one unconscious patient having his ventilator removed before he was taken away.

Afraid to go to hospital

Afraid of the consequences of going to a government hospital, many people have chosen to seek treatment either at private hospitals or at poorly equipped makeshift field hospitals.

Doctors at the National Hospital in Homs told Amnesty International that the number of admissions for firearms wounds has dropped significantly since May, in contrast to the spiralling toll of deaths and injuries on the streets outside.

But blood supplies in Syria can only be obtained from the Central Blood Bank, which is controlled by the Defence Ministry, leaving private hospitals with a terrible dilemma. One medic who had worked a private hospital in Homs told Amnesty International:

"We faced a dilemma every time we received a patient with a firearm injury and an urgent need of blood: if we send a request to the Central Blood Bank, the security would know about him and we would be putting him at risk or arrest and torture, and possibly death in custody."

Medical workers targeted

Medical workers have themselves been targeted by security forces, some for treating injured people, others on suspicion of attending demonstrations or filming protesters.

Colm O’Gorman continued: "Syrian medical workers are being forced to choose between treating wounded people and preserving their own safety. People should not be afraid to go to hospital because they risk being tortured.

"The Syrian authorities must see sense and act urgently to ensure that all patients are treated equally, without discrimination based on their suspected political loyalties.”

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