domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012

After the assassination of Denverto Facebook objectors making suspicious?

24/07/2012by The assassin was not active on Facebook. Researchers believe that online abstinence may indicate faults. U.S. personnel departments will even be suspicious of job candidates on social networks want nothing to reveal about themselves.

 Never was suspicious because he shunned social networks.  Assassin James Holmes.  Photo: DAPD
Never was suspicious because he shunned social networks. Assassin James Holmes. - PHOTO: DAPD

Who does that? Whoever shoots at a movie theater without regard to anything around him? Investigators do not know, for them the person James Holmes initially remains a mystery. In his first appearance in court on Monday he was silent and did speak his public defender. He seemed listless and drowsy. Not even the internet helps the investigators, although there but now almost everyone leaves traces. According to present knowledge, but Holmes was not active on Facebook or on Twitter. Two accounts on Youtube, he is said to have cleared, a few entries under a pseudonym, in forums, there probably by him as well as an account with a brokerage.

No longer.

For the public, the young man was so largely invisible, above suspicion. He indicated his intention not like other gunman in front of him online and not talking about his thoughts wander. A 24 year old U.S. citizen, a former student and gun nut apparently that is not networked, no pictures, and exchanged his feelings does not share with the community.This is not only very rare, but some also come before pretty suspicious.

If you believe Richard E. Bélanger and his colleagues, this behavior could even indicate a serious illness. In a study published last year, psychologists have found that young people who use with their online activities not very withhold or power, as frequently prone to depression and other mental health problems as those who use the Internet excessively. In adolescents who get regular, up to two hours a day, online, this was not the case.

No Facebook account, no job offer

Awaken young people who do not have a Facebook account, so mistrust? Some determined HR departments in the U.S., but recently there have been known cases where bosses required their applicants to access to their profile. Who does not have a profile for which there is no job offer because he has something to hide. So far it is not yet in this country. But also inquire in Germany "70 to 80 percent of HR professionals by the candidates in the net," says the psychologist Hanoverian Christoph Möller.

That users should make revealing pictures and private messages is not more accessible for everyone, most now aware. But that also the opposite - the absolute abstinence - does seem suspicious, new. "The Internet is a natural part of life has become," says Möller. And: "It is possible that by virtual friends receives positive feedback and sensations." But only as long as it does not overdo the user. As long as they continue to maintain contacts and real and virtual tours are not addictive, because the can, according to the scientist "reinforce basic psychological disorders and anxiety."

From the other side, however, is not convinced Möller: "That causes an abstinence from the Internet can be like, do not argue." Nevertheless, the assassin of Aurora is not the first assassin, who shunned social networks. Even the Norwegian Anders Breivik , the one before year for the mass murderer was, before his act largely invisible on the web. Holmes as he reported in a few forums to speak, otherwise hidden, isolated herself. He was regarded as an outsider.

And maybe that's for the investigators and experts in the recent case, the more important finding: that Holmes not only had no Facebook friends, but - so far known - not even close acquaintances and friends in real life.

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